war is over (if you say so)
It's got to be tough to be an Army recruiter these days. The people who shout the loudest about the need to go to war are the least likely to volunteer.
So how do you get people to enlist? Well, you could always lie your ass off:
An ABC News undercover investigation showed Army recruiters telling students that the war in Iraq was over, in an effort to get them to enlist.Despite the pressure to make quota, these tactics are reprehensible, and any recruiter who would lie like that ought to be held fully accountable for his actions.
ABC News and New York affiliate WABC equipped students with hidden video cameras before they visited 10 Army recruitment offices in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
"Nobody is going over to Iraq anymore?" one student asks a recruiter.
"No, we're bringing people back," he replies.
"We're not at war. War ended a long time ago," another recruiter says.
Of course, such accountability should begin at the top, but that's not likely to happen with the kind of "leadership" we're getting from men like Bush and Rumsfeld.
Recruiters have a long and glorious history of lying to enlistees. One of the first things we did in boot camp while spit polishing our boots (yes we really did this), was to compare the outrageous stories the recruiters told us to entice us to enlist. I was told I would have an office job of some sort, since "women didn't have to do the same sort of work" (this was the 70's and the private sector did exclude women from most well paying work. Of course, I was placed in "voice radio communications", you know, the person who carries the units communication device that the enemy always wants to shoot first?
Another enlistee was told she would be a spy. She actually packed a variety of wigs and make-up! Not much use for that on the obstacle course we ran in basic, or the gas mask training area.
And the stories went on. It was hilarious.
Good to hear that the war is over now. Maybe Bush could go over and check to make sure, in person. Just a thought.
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